Monthly Archives: april 2022

CALL FOR PAPERS – DFFU SUMMIT 2022: DET BÆREDYGTIGE BIBLIOTEK – Middelfart, 5.-6. oktober 2022 FLIPD, Forum for E-ressourcer, Forum for Ophavsret, Forum for Markedsføring, Metaforum, NEFUS og DFFUs bestyrelse inviterer hermed bidrag til allerførste udgave af fælleskonferencen DFFU SUMMIT. DFFU SUMMIT er et samarbejde mellem alle DFFU fora og DFFUs bestyrelse og er tænkt som et rum for nysgerrig udforskning af aktuelle strømninger […]

An Appeal to Suspend Relations with Russian Libraries: They are an Integral Part of the Russian War Propaganda and Support the Russian Government’s Policy of Aggression In light of the armed aggression launched against Ukraine and its people by the government of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian Library Association calls on IFLA to stop cooperation […]