Arrangementer | Nye forskere og Ph.D-Studerende

Nye forskere og Ph.D-Studerende

03. november 2015

Sæt X i kalenderen d. 3. og 4. november 2015 afholder Forum for Brugeruddannelse og NEFUS – netværk for Forskerunderstøttende Services en fælles konference på Nyborg Strand

Nye forskere og ph.d.-studerende: De underviser, de forsker og de publicerer

– Hvordan kan bibliotekernes services indrettes for at støtte bedst?

Denne to-dages konference sætter fokus på fag- og forskningsbibliotekerne som aktører i forskeruddannelserne og i support af nye forskere.

Hvordan bliver bibliotekets kompetencer udi vidensøgning og videnhåndtering m.m. integreret – som en naturlig del – i ph.d.-forløbet? Hvad skal vi have fokus på, og hvordan kan vi komme mere aktivt i spil?

Der vil være oplæg fra ph.d.-studerende og andre nye forskere, om deres akademiske arbejde med data og information. Også ph.d.-skoleledere, der fortæller om de overordnede målsætninger med ph.d.-uddannelsen og de politiske vinde, der aktuelt blæser på området, vil vi høre fra. Input og erfaringer fra forskningsbibliotekerne vil ligeledes være en del af konferencen. Målet for dagene er at blive klædt på til at udvikle nye og relevante services til målgruppen af ph.d.-studerende og forskere.

Med venlig hilsen

Bestyrelserne for Forum for Brugeruddannelse og NEFUS

Spørgsmål vedrørende konferencen sendes til: Hanne Dahl, [email protected]

PDFudgave af programmet

Deltagerliste pr. 15. oktober 2015

Program for den 3. november 2015  Programmet er opdateret 27. oktober 2015


09.30–10.00 Ankomst og kaffe
10.00 Velkommen v. de to bestyrelsesformænd
10.10 Sune Auken, ph.d.-skoleleder, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet.

Hvad er status og fremtidsudsigter for ph.d.- uddannelserne i Danmark?

11.00 Gitte Wichmann- Hansen, Associate professor, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Aarhus University.

Hvad er et godt ph.d.-forløb? Og hvordan kan vejlederne og forskningsmiljøerne bidrage til at skabe gode forløb?

Publikation: Kvalitet i ph.d.-forløb

12.00 Frokost
13.00 Pat Thomson, Professor of Education, PSM PhD, Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies, The University of Nottingham

Working title: What help do doctoral students need to write?

Doctoral researchers face range of common difficulties in working with literatures, establishing writing routines and strategies, writing their texts. Many also experience serial crises of confidence and authority. I will discuss each of these in turn, considering what kinds of supports are useful for them, drawing on a range of international initiatives and web-based resources.


14.00 Kaffe og kage
14.30 Thomas Basbøll, Resident Writing Consultant, CBS Bibliotek
Craft of research: Praktiske erfaringer med undervisning i den videnskabelige skriveproces


15.30-17.00 Postersession – Kort pitch fra den poster-ansvarlige
Imens serveres et glas vin, øl eller vand, samt lidt snacks

Liste over accepterede posters pr. 27. oktober 2015

NTNU Universitetsbibliotekets publiseringsstøtte for Ph.d.-kandidater

Biblioteket – en partner i Phd-utdanningen

Support in Visual Communication and Scientific Poster Design

Big data science i den danske kulturarv

Take control of your PhD journey! Erfaringer fra et skreddersydd undervisningsopplegg

⑥ Web-based course for PhD-students at SLU

⑦ SLU University Library in collaboration with Makerere University Library

Craft Thursdays

Kompetencekortlægning i NEPU – Netværk for bibliotekers ph.d.-undervisning

The academic librarian´s support to PhD students´ portfolio work

SciVal – bibliometrisk analyse af forskerprofiler?

The university librarian’s support to PhD students within the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts

Informationssøgning i det humanistiske forskningsfelt

⑭ PhD On Track

Data Science Training for Librarians (#DST4L)

18.00 Middag
19.00 – Socialt samvær inkl. quiz, chokolade og vin

Program for den 4. november

09.00-09.10 Godmorgen
09.10-10:00 Hilde Terese Daland, Universitetet i Agder

Universitetsbiblioteket i Agders forskningsstøtteprosjekt ble startet opp i 2011 og har hatt fokus på tre områder: hva forskerne trenger, hva biblioteket kan tilby og kompetanseheving for UBAs ansatte. En forskningsstøttestrategi har blitt utformet for å sikre at alle phd-kandidater skal kontaktes innen de fire første uker av stipendiatperioden og tilbys samme forskningsstøtte.

Mads Korsgaard

Præsentation af resultaterne fra forskerundersøgelse fra Københavns Universitet/KUBIS
KUBIS/SAMF har undersøgt forskernes informationsadfærd, herunder hvilke værktøjer og services de anvender samt brugertilfredshed og ønsker for fremtidige services.

10.00 Kaffe
10.15-11.30 Tre ph.d.-studerende fortæller om deres praktiske erfaringer:

11.30-12.30 Temaopdelte workshops
12.30-13.15 Frokost
13.15-14.10 Barbara Allan, formerly PVC and Dean, Westminster Business School

How to support PhD students in a digital environment

Individual PhD students often experience unique research journeys requiring an extensive range of academic and digital skills located within a specific disciplinary context.  The concept of ‘digital literacy’ is briefly considered with reference to doctoral students. This presentation considers the doctoral student’s research journey and the importance of them developing their digital literacy including their ability to use professional social networks.  How can the library help support doctoral students as they engage with the different stages of their doctorate and also as they prepare for employment post-graduation? What is the role of PhD students as co-creators in the development of resources and support for their peers?

Until recently, Dr Barbara Allan was Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of Westminster Business School, University of Westminster. Previously, she has worked in a variety of roles at the universities of Birmingham, Hull, Lincoln and Leeds Metropolitan, as well as many years with the Open University. For a number of years, Barbara ran a successful professional development business with clients across the UK and Europe. She currently works as a freelance author and researcher and her specialist areas are supporting students in the digital age and also e-mentoring. Barbara was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy in 2008 and she became a Principal Fellow in 2014.  Barbara has written numerous books and articles includingSupporting Students in the Digital Age  (due to be published early in 2016), the No-Nonsense Guide to Training , and Supporting Research Students – all published by Facet Publishing of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), UK.


14.10-14.30 Kaffe og kage
14.30-15.15 Vanessa Proudman, selvstændig konsulent, Proud2know

Worldwide trends in research support
ABSTRACT: There is much scope for libraries to support today’s young researcher and PhD student. Libraries across the world are helping researchers answer a range of questions in a scholarly world that is still in flux. Questions such as Where do I publish, how and under what conditions? Openness is becoming more and more the norm and researchers need to increasingly comply with new Open Access, open data or open software requirements, projects and online collaboration environments. For the young researcher, establishing oneself in a competitive research environment means that visibility and impact in the chosen scientific communities is of prime importance be they online or otherwise. This is where library repository, bibliometric and profiling support services can play a supportive role for example. Today’s researchers also have increased responsibilities towards meeting conditions for ethical research and academic integrity where more guidance is needed on plagiarism or data management.
This presentation will aim to show a range of research support services on offer in libraries across the world. It will support those who are considering extending their research support offer for PhD students. It is based on a recurring 6-monthly study undertaken by of over 80 research libraries from the US, Australia, Asia and Europe. The presentation will provide a snapshot of both low-hanging fruits as well as more advanced services.
The ultimate aim is to provide something for libraries at various stages of research support provision who want to focus on PhD students. It will seek to bring inspiration by bringing the work of international peers to the Scandinavian library community.


15.15-15.30 Afrunding & kom godt hjem


Tilmelding til konferencen er bindende.

Deltagerpris inkl. konference, forplejning og hotelophold:

Medlemmer af DFFU: kr. 3.950
Øvrige: Kr. 4.450

Deltagelse enkeltdage inkl. frokost og kaffepauser

Medlemmer af DFFU: kr. 2.000
Øvrige: Kr. 2.300



Medlemmer af DFFUKr. 3950
ØvrigeKr. 4450
Medlemmer af DFFUKr. 2000
ØvrigeKr. 2300



Hotel Nyborg Strand – Nyborg

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