Arrangementer | Scholarly e-books in your native language – Why, why not or when?
Scholarly e-books in your native language – Why, why not or when?
01. oktober 2015Scholarly e-books in your native language – Why, why not or when?
Nordic E-book conference October 1-2, 2015 in Copenhagen
Non-fiction e-books in Nordic languages that are relevant, accessible and affordable to universities and university colleges are in short supply. The aim of this conference is to bring together publishers, aggregators and librarians, exchange ideas and needs and discuss possibilities. What is the main challenge for publishers? and libraries? and where can we meet?
The program:
Thursday, October 1
10.00 – 11.00 | Registration and coffee |
11.00 – 11.15 | Welcome |
11.15 – 11.45
Non-fiction e-books from a political perspective – Zenia Stampe, member of the Danish Parliament and spokeswoman on cultural affairs in the Social Liberal Party opens the conference |
11.45 – 12.15 | “Lending and digitisation models for “eReolen”- the Danish public libraries’ ebook service” by Mikkel Christoffersen, special consultant at Copenhagen Libraries |
12.15 – 13.00 | The university perspective might be slightly different – Kira Stine Hansen from Copenhagen University Library will share her views on that. |
13.00 – 14.00 | Lunch |
14.00 – 14.45 | Access to Danish Academic e-books – Seen from the Publishers’ Perspective. Providing access to e-books at no cost to library users can seem like an easy and obvious thing. Christine Bødtcher-Hansen – Director of the Danish Publishers Association will focus on what is withholding Danish publishers from providing unlimited access by focusing on the value chain of Danish e-books and the experiences that Danish publishers and authors have derived from various e-lending models. Christine Bødtcher-Hansen will also touch upon a model agreement for e-lending to the Danish University Colleges that was negotiated in 2013 between DEFF and Danish Publishers. |
14.45 – 15.15 | Coffee |
15.15 – 15.45 | Academic libraries experience a demand from students and faculty for Swedish e-books, but have few ways to purchase them. Swedish publishers have a strong print market and also sell e-books directly to customers, but not to academic libraries. There has also been very little communication in the past between Swedish academic libraries and publishers, and we don’t know much about each other. Last year, libraries therefore initiated a dialog with publishers to discuss the issue of Swedish e-books in academic libraries. We have had a joint one-day seminar and continued dialog with representatives of the publishing and aggregator community. This presentation by Karin Byström from Uppsala University Library will describe the results of the dialog and the remaining obstacles.
http://prezi.com/ohgcabfrdz3z/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share |
15.45 – 16.30 | Ebrary – the workflows between an aggregator and the publishers. Publishers do not necessarily need their own e-book platform. Katinka Bratvold from Proquest will outline other possibilities. |
16.30 | Closing remarks day one |
19.00 | Conference dinner at Tivoli Hotel |
Friday, October 2
08.30 – 09.00 | Registration and coffee |
09.00 – 09.30 | A Danish publisher’s perspective – Anette Wad from DJØF Forlag offers an insight into a publisher’s considerations on e-books |
09.30 – 10.00 | Licensing models for e-textbooks in Finland.Higher education libraries in Finland have an important role in providing content, including textbooks, to students. As the importance of e-materials increases, libraries have faced the problem of low supply when it comes to Finnish e-textbooks. FinELib e-textbook project aims to increase the availability of Finnish e-textbooks and increase the awareness of Finnish publishers of the needs of the higher education libraries regarding e-books. In this e-textbook pilot project new pricing models are tested in collaboration with four publishers and several higher education libraries. Hear Iina Peltonen, Licensing Coordinator, The National Library of Finland / FinELib talk about the project. |
10.00 – 10.30 | How does a third party e-book platfom engage with publishers and what can they offer? Jens Deutscher, Publisher Relations Manager at EBSCO Information Services gives a talk on experiences with German publishers and future plans with Nordic and other European publishers. |
10.30 – 11.00 | Coffee |
The Institution as eTextbook Publisher. Jisc Collections is running a project to pilot test the idea of ‘The Institution as E-textbook Publisher’. The project is funding UK higher education institutions for a period of three years to:
* create their own e-textbooks * apply a business, licensing and distribution model and * report back on the impact, value and viability of the models they chose. Over one year into the project’s duration, Vivien Ward from JISC reports on progress and the findings from the four project teams so far, to help other universities who may be considering similar ventures. |
11.45 – 12.30 | Knowledge Unlatched – A global library consortium model for funding open access scholarly books. The project period has ended and a new phase is beginning. Executive director Frances Pinter gives an update on the developments. |
12.30 – 13.30 | Lunch |
13.30 – 14.15 | Det digitale Nasjonalbiblioteket in Norway – a status on development, content and rights management by Roger Jøsevold |
14.15 – 14.45 | “Publishers’ dilemma and trouble for librarians” presented by Elena Macevituite from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science. E-book research group from the Universities of Gothenburg and Borås are conducting a long-term project related to the situation of e-books in small language markets and cultures. The project investigates the whole book circuit and the impact of e-book development on each actor in this circuit. So far, we have completed several studies of those planned, but a number of them are still to be finished over the next year. Here I would present the results of two studies, namely, the opinion survey of Swedish publishers and their attitude to the changes that e-books have introduced into the book market. This survey has been conducted also in two other European countries – Croatia and Lithuania. So, we have a comparative data on the drivers and hinders of the e-book publishing, perspectives of e-book development and its consequences as publishers operating in small markets see them. On the other hand, we have completed in spring a survey of Swedish university libraries on the situation with acquisition and management of e-book collections in them. This provides an interesting insight into the advantages of the new technology that librarians try to exploit and the problems that they relate to the new conditions related to e-book use through libraries. There is no direct relation between the situation in commercial publishing and university libraries in Sweden. The Swedish publishers are more interested in the relations with public libraries, which are far from harmonious. The difference between the two types of libraries in acquiring e-books and relation to publishing situation will be illustrated by presenting a public library case study that was carried out in spring. |
14.45 | Closing remarks day two |
The conference will be held at Tivoli Hotel, Arni Magnussons Gade 2,1577 Copenhagen V
Accomodation at either Tivoli Hotel or Wakeup, Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 11, 1577 Copenhagen V
Foreløbig deltagerliste pr 22. september 2015.
Deltagelse i hele konferencen: | |
DFFU medlemmer – inkl. kaffepauser, frokoster og middag excl. overnatning: |
DKK 2.900 |
Øvrige deltagere – inkl. kaffepauser, frokoster og middag excl. overnatning: |
DKK 3.200 |
Deltagelse enkeltdage: | |
DFFU medlemmer – inkl. kaffepauser og frokost |
DKK 1.500 |
Øvrige deltagere – inkl. kaffepauser og frokost |
DKK 1.700 |
Hotelovernatning: | |
Tivoli Hotel inkl. morgenbuffet 1. oktober |
DKK 1.250 |
WakeUp Copenhagen inkl. morgenbuffet 1. oktober |
DKK 620 |
Tilmelding til konferencen og bestilling af hotelværelse er bindende.
Læs mere om hotellerne på:
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center – www.tivolihotel.dk
WakeUp Copenhagen – www.wakeupcopenhagen.dk
Sign up at The Danish Research Library Association website www.dfdf.dk
Der er stadig ledig pladser – send en email til [email protected]
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center – København V
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