Rapporter | 2017


SPARC EUROPE 2017 Annual report

This annual report provides an overview of how SPARC Europe, on behalf of you, our members,  is using its growing strength, expertise, influence and relationships to help make Open the  default in Europe



The IFLA Trend Report, initially published in 2013, started a conversation. By giving everyone in the library and information sector a range of expert opinions on broad social, economic and technological trends, it posed a question: how do such developments effect their lives, works and institutions? The 2016 Update of the report showed just some of the rich discussions that took place, as IFLA members explored the answers.
Now, in 2017, we are very happy to share an updated report, bringing in three further expert perspectives. Based on interventions at the 2017 IFLA President’s meeting, they pose three more questions:
How might libraries incorporate revolutionary 3D printing techniques into their offer?
How should libraries respond to the urgent need to provide education for all?
How can libraries compete with the huge volumes of misinformation that the Internet makes it possible to create and share?


The evolving landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructures: Final report on the situation in the six Knowledge Exchange partner countries

Forskningsinfrastrukturer bliver i disse år digitaliseret på en måde, der muliggør mere koordinerede og sammenhængende services for håndtering af forskningsdata. Ny rapport belyser det gryende område for ”Federated infrastructures”.
Knowledge Exchange har undersøgt knopskydning af sammenhængende infrastrukturer i rapporten ”The Evolving Landscape of Federated Research Data Infrastructure”.
Rapporten skaber via konkrete, nationale cases overblik over udviklingen for sammenhængende forskningsinfrastrukturer i de seks Knowledge Exchange-lande: Danmark, Finland, Frankrig, Tyskland, Holland og Storbritannien. [Fra DEFF.DK]


Mapping the Future of Academic Libraries

Academic libraries currently operate within and contribute to a rapidly changing environment. Being aware of what is changing and ensuring that libraries can continue to play a useful role in higher education (HE) is a profound ongoing challenge. This report aims to help in addressing that challenge. It considers library futures over the next decade, a formidable but important undertaking.
We have based our analysis on a mixed-methods research project involving a review of the literature, in-depth interviews with a range of stakeholders both within and beyond the library community, and a survey of library staff. We report our findings as well as providing reflection on their implications for libraries and their future


Curating Research Data, Volume Two: A Handbook of Current Practice

Udgivet af ACRL og redigeret af Lisa R. Johnston.
... "guides you across the data lifecycle through the practical strategies and techniques for curating research data in a digital repository setting" ... "Data curators, archivists, research data management specialists, subject librarians, institutional repository managers, and digital library staff will benefit from these current and practical approaches to data curation".


Curating Research Data, Volume One: Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository

Udgivet af ACRL og redigeret af Lisa R. Johnston.
"Volume One of Curating Research Data explores the variety of reasons, motivations, and drivers for why data curation services are needed in the context of academic and disciplinary data repository efforts... sets the stage for data curation... describes the full lifecycle of data by examining the ethical and practical reuse issues that data curation practitioners must consider as we strive to prepare data for the future"


Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research

Ny rapport fra ACRL: "This new report is a significant milestone for ACRL’s value of academic libraries initiative and for the profession. It clearly identifies priority areas and suggests specific actions for academic librarians and administrators to take in developing programs, collections, and spaces focused on student learning and success. It includes effective practices, calls out exemplary studies, and indicates where more inquiry is needed, with proposed research designs."


A landscape study on open access and monographs

KE landskabsstudie om Open Access-bøger

Rapporten er forfattet af Eelco Ferwerda, Frances Pinter and Niels Stern og bygger bl.a. på 73 dybtgående samtaler, som er blevet afholdt i otte forskellige lande (Danmark, Finland, Tyskland, Holland, England, Frankrig fra KE samt Norge og Østrig) med henblik på at forstå de nuværende udviklinger for Open Access-bøger blandt tre grupper af interessenter: Forlæggere, finansieringskilder og biblioteker. Vigtigheden af forfatternes indstilling til OA, akademiske belønninger og incitamenter bliver også rejst af flere af de interviewede. 


Survey of Information Literacy Instructional Practices in U.S. Academic Libraries

Ny rapport kortlægger amerikanske forskningsbibliotekers metoder i informations-literacy. Rapporten er udarbejdet af forfattere fra State University of New York at Buffalo og Florida State University.

Manuskriptet blev godkendt i janaur 2017 og forventes udgivet 1. marts 2018.


LIBER 2018-2022 Strategy

Today LIBER is putting its 2018-2022 Strategy — Research Libraries Powering Sustainable Knowledge in the Digital Age — into action. The Strategy focuses on activities which directly support the hundreds of libraries in LIBER’s network.
·         Research libraries will continue to be represented strongly in the ongoing European copyright reform process;
·         An annotated library of Data Management Plans will be published;
·         The state of Digital Humanities in European research libraries will be assessed and published;
·         Webinars on key Research Data Management topics will provide guidance;
·         Leadership training will be offered for current and aspiring library directors.
These are just some of our goals for the coming five years. The attached Strategy document gives more information on the how the Strategy was developed and its focus areas.
