EU Commission: Implementation Roadmap for the European Open Science Cloud
The document describes the measures taken under Horizon 2020 Work Programmes to start implementing the EOSC
The document describes the measures taken under Horizon 2020 Work Programmes to start implementing the EOSC
Research libraries are well placed to make that revolution happen, and LIBER's Open Science Roadmap outlines the specific actions libraries can take to champion Open Science, both within and beyond their own institutions.
To help drive forward and implement the EOSC, the main thread of the report is to understand how the EOSC can effectively interlink people, data, services and training, publications, projects and organisations. The ideas presented here bring together, reflect on and further expand on various policy papers and recommendations contributing to the establishment of the EOSC that have been published by ongoing Horizon 2020 projects and national initiatives, as well as by the Commission FAIR Data expert group and by the Open Science Policy Platform, with whom the group have collaborated actively.
Final report and action plan from the European Commission expert group on FAIR data. To take advantage of the digital revolution, to accelerate research, to engage the power of machine analysis at scale while ensuring transparency, reproducibility and societal utility, data and other digital objects created by and used for research need to be FAIR. Advancing the global Open Science movement and the development of the European Open Science Cloud is the unambiguous objective for this report. This document is both a report and an action plan for turning FAIR into reality. It offers a survey and analysis of what is needed to implement FAIR and it provides a set of concrete... recommendations and actions for stakeholders in Europe and beyond
This paper discusses the eight pillars of Open Science identified by the European Commission (the future of scholarly publishing, FAIR data, the European Open Science Cloud, education and skills, rewards and incentives, next-generation metrics, research integrity, and citizen science), analyses what the introduction of Open Science approaches means at university level in each of these eight themed areas and identifies possible benefits and challenges
In this third report in the series, Incentives for Building University RDM Services, the authors explore the incentives that inspired the acquisition of RDM capacity on the part of the four research universities described in the case studies, and describe both the general patterns and context-dependent circumstances that shaped these incentives.
Based on the case studies, as well as the broader RDM landscape, the authors organized these incentives into four broad categories: compliance, evolving scholarly norms, institutional strategy, and researcher demand.
The Data Science in Libraries Project is funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and led by Matt Burton and Liz Lyon, School of Computing & Information, University of Pittsburgh; Chris Erdmann, North Carolina State University; and Bonnie Tijerina, Data & Society.
This report primarily presents a synthesis of the discussions, findings, and reflections from an international, two-day workshop held in May 2017 in Pittsburgh, where community members participated in a program with speakers, group discussions, and activities to drill down into the challenges of successfully implementing data science in libraries. Participants came from funding organizations, academic and public libraries, nonprofits, and commercial organizations with most of the discussions focusing on academic libraries and library schools.