Rapporter | 2014


DFFU's e-bogsbarometer 2014

DFFU's årlige undersøgelse af udviklingen inden for ebogsområdet på de danske FFU-biblioteker


DFFU formandsberetning 2014

DFFU Fomandsberetning i forbindelse med årsmødet i september 2014


Formandens organisatoriske beretning 2014

Formand for DFFU, Michael Cotta-Schønbergs, organisatoriske beretning fremlagt på årsmødet i september 2014


Open Access tidsskrifter inden for humaniora og samfundsvidenskab

"The British Academy presents a report investigating some of the issues involved in open access publishing, which seeks to examine various practical issues and difficulties that may arise, using the example of twelve disciplines across the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)."
Michael Cotta-Schønberg


Libraries from Now On: Imaging the Future of Libraries

On May 2 and 3, 2014, eighty librarians and representatives from organizations that work with libraries met at the Library of Congress to discuss the future of libraries. Inspired by five nationally recognized speakers and their own table discussions, participants engaged in wide ranging conversations about the trends in society that libraries will have to address and how librarians might prepare, respond, and, in fact, lead libraries into that future. The results of the discussion will inform the development of a Center for the Future of Libraries to be initiated by the American Library Association in the spring of 2014.

Michael Cotta-Schønberg


Australsk biblioteksudlån af e-bøger til andre biblioteker

ALIA has released the Elending Landscape Report 2014 which identifies worldwide public library initiatives to secure ebooks for borrowers. The report—prepared by Brussels-based Civic Agenda—is intended to help identify practical elending solutions for Australian public libraries.


Ny rapport om FFU-biblioteker i USA

Analysefirmaet Ithaka har udgivet en ny rapport om FFU-biblioteker i USA. Den foregående tilsvarende rapport kom i 2010. Rapporten handler om de strategiske og ledelsesmæssige perspektiver som en stor gruppe af bibliotekslederne ser dem.
Michael Cotta-Schønberg


LERU Roadmap for Research Data

En arbejdsgruppe under LERU (League of European Research Universities) har udsendt et Roadmap for udviklingen vedrørende universiteternes håndtering af forskningsdata.
Michael Cotta-Schønberg


Ny UKSG-rapport: Impact of Library Discovery Technologies

UKSG (United Kingdom Serials Group) har udgivet en ny rapport om ”discovery systems”.
Michael Cotta-Schønberg


DF's e-bogsbarometer 2013

Danmarks Forskningsbiblioteksforenings 3. e-bogsbarometer undersøger e-bøgernes udbredelse, anvendelse og fremtid i de danske FFU-biblioteker. Udarbejdet af Forum for E-ressourcer
