Fem nye bøger om det nye forskningsbibliotek

Hermed et overblik fra forårets høst af nye bøger om innovative ting i forskningsbibliotekerne:


 Rethinking Information Literacy : a Practical Framework for Supporting Learning. Ed. Jane Secker & Emma Coonan. London: Facet Publishing, 2013. 169 s.

 Bogen indeholder 12 kapitler , herunder om Developing academic literacies, & Ressource discovery in your discipline. Den er udsprunget af Arcadia Projektet ved University of Cambridge University Library. Et af bogens hovedbudskaber er flg.: ”Information literacy cannot remain the preserve of the librarian if it is truly to be embedded in curricula … Librarians must work in partnerships with teachers, with faculty and with academics, and with nother professionals in theirinstitution.”

 Peter Hernon & Jospeh R. Matthews: Reflecting on the Future of Academic and Public Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 2013. 242 s.

 Bogen indeholder 9 kapitler, herunder om Future Views of Academic Libraries, Perspectives on trends and Scenarios : academic libraries. Den er baseret på scenariemetoden. Et perspektiv fra kapitlet om Future Views… er at institutionsbiblioteker vil blive fusioneret, både i og på tværs af læreanstalterne, og også på tværs af grænsen forskningsbiblioteker og folkebiblioteker.

Library 2020 : Today’s Leading Visionaries Describes Tomorrow’s Library. Ed. Joseph Janes. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2013. 106 s.

Bogen indeholder 24 kapitler, et for hver af de visionære bidragydere. Den indledes med indspark fra The Annoyed Librarian: ”The library in 202 will be just like the library tday, except without all the books, music, and movies. The books will be the first to go, because they are already going.”

Twenty-First Century Access Services : on the Front Line of Academic Librarianship. Ed. Michael J. Krasulski & Trevor A. Dawes. ARL: 2013. 264 s.

Fra forordet: Access services departments in academic libraries are literally and metaphorically at the front line of 21st century academic librarianship and in both tangible and intangible ways these departments, with their circulation desk roots, are making great strides to facilitate access in an ever changing higher education landscape. Access services departments are expanding their portfolios to include electronic reserves (e-reserves), increased cooperative and shared services, facilities management, assessment initiatives, e-book lending initiatives, and copyright management. The ten chapters in Twenty-First-Century Access Services: On the Front Line of Academic Librarianship highlight these expanded roles and discuss the role these services will continue to play in the success of the library, as well as place these services in the context of supporting the academic mission of the institutions of which the libraries are a part.

Og en enkelt fra 2012 er også værd at bemærke:

 Student engagement and the Academic Library. Ed. Loanne Snavely. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2012. 139 s.

Bogen har 12 kapitler der hver beretter om et udviklingsinitiativ ved et amerikansk forskningsbibliotek med sigte på at engagere de studerende i forhold til biblioteket. Blandt kapitlerne er The Research Library Rock and Roll Radio show, Engaging international students with the academic library, Developing a marketing plan for the library by and for students.

Alle de ovennævnte værker er indkøbt til Det Kongelige Bibliotek og kan lånes derfra.