Konklusioner fra Open Science Workshop på DFFU Vinterinternat, 29.2.2019


DFFUs vinterinternatmøde 2019 havde lige knap 100 deltagere, som fik 2 særdeles indholdsrige dage med oplæg, paneldebat, film og masser af netværk. Find power points fra oplæggene her.

Læs endvidere nedenfor konklusionerne på første dagens workshop:

29 February 2019

Chapter on Open Science in Korsoer, Denmark

A lively meeting of the Danish chapter in Korsoer on 29 February 2019 reached a number of conclusions on the future of Open Science in Denmark.


  1. This can be a role for libraries in the Open Science landscape, helping the library to re-define its position in the organisation.
  2. There is an opportunity for Denmark to define an Action Plan for implementing Open Science principles and practices at a national level, and libraries have a potential role in determining what the Action Plan contains.

Strategic contexts

  • Research-supporting organisations should move outside Ivory Towers to embrace the new world of Open Science.
  • Libraries need to ensure that they are present in the strategic pictures developed by research-supporting institutions and have an appropriate role.

Changing Roles

  • Librarians must not lack confidence in their own community. Act with confidence to tackle challenging agendas.
  • Going forward, the librarian’s role may be less to be involved in cataloguing and metadata, and more in research data and discovery.
  • Librarians need to transform their advocacy activities into practical examples of Open Science implementation.

The importance of researchers

  • Avoid undue concentration on the role of the librarian; do not ignore the researcher.

Skills development

  • Librarians need to identify and develop appropriate Open Science skills.
  • Skills development is best attained by active participation in Open Science activity, with knowledge gained from insightful practice.

Paul Ayris, Eva Méndez, Tiberius Ignat, Paulo Budroni, Bertil Dorch