LIBER annoncerer Leadership Journées Programme exclusively for Library Directors.
I 2015 lancerer LIBER deres første “Leadership Journées Programme exclusively for Library Directors”.
Fridel Grant fra LIBER har netop sendt nedenståeden rundt i diverse fora:
Dear colleagues,
In May 2015, LIBER will launch its first Leadership Journées Programme exclusively for Library Directors.
This will take place at Sciences Po at the heart of Paris, Wednesday May 20th – Friday May 22nd 2015. The Paris Institute of Political Studies is ideally located on the Left Bank in the 7th arrondissement, near the River Seine and between the Boulevard Saint-Germain and the Boulevard Raspail.
The main theme of the interactive Programme will be Reshaping: reshaping library services, reshaping the role of the library in the institution, reshaping the organization and reshaping leadership and the leader.
The Programme will be designed for 20 – 25 Library Directors who are already in leadership positions in their institutions and who are looking ahead at delivering strategic change as libraries and institutions redefine themselves in an ever changing information and social environment.
The event will not be a series of presentations and seminars. It will be a truly interactive study and learning event for everyone involved. Senior leaders from libraries, business and academia will provide keynotes, case studies and provocations on the specific themes.
The event will be led and moderated by the Programme Chair, Prof. Dr. Norbert Lossau, former Director of Göttingen State and University Library, and now Vice-President of the University of Göttingen. Prof. Dr Lossau will be supported by a programme coordinator, John Tuck, Director of Library Services, Royal Holloway, University of London, and other members of the LIBER Leadership and Workforce Development Working Group.
A detailed description of the Programme and costings will be published within a few weeks, at which time invitations for registration will be sought.
With kind regards,
Friedel Grant
Communications Officer, LIBER Europe
+31 (0)70 314 0121
Skype: friedel.liber