LIBER har i sidste uge offentliggjort The Hauge Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in The Digtial Age der bl.a. rammesætter bibliotekerne som væsentlige spillere i arbejdet mod fri og lige adgang til information og data.
LIBER har udsendt nedenstående til deres medlemmer:
Dear LIBER Members,
We’re proud to announce that today The Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in the Digital Age is being launched in Brussels.
LIBER has led work on the Declaration and believes that libraries have a key role to play in supporting and advocating for the principles listed in the Declaration. We encourage all of our members to read the Declaration and support it, either as organisations or individuals.
Signatories will agree to share and work towards the key vision of the Declaration, which calls for changes to intellectual property (IP) law and the removal of other barriers currently preventing widened and more equal access to Big Data. IP law was not designed to regulate the free flow of facts, data and ideas, nor should it.