NCSU bibliotekernes “value statement” om e-bøger
Bibliotekerne ved North Carolina State University har offentligt nedenstående “value statement” om videnskabelige e-bøger. Bemærk indledningen, hvor det som en selvfølgelig sag fremføres, at “efterhånden som videnskabelige monografier skifter fra det trykte til det elektroniske medie …”:
As scholarly monographs shift from primarily print to electronic, the NCSU Libraries seeks to engage both the publishing and library communities in shaping the future of the scholarly ebook marketplace. We believe the following values can form the core of a mutually beneficial market for publishers and libraries that best serves the researchers and students at the heart of the scholarly communication cycle.
We value:
- Portability between devices, with publishers and aggregator platforms using non-proprietary formats for their ebooks.
- Consistency of content across the print and electronic format and the incorporation of corresponding supplementary material sometimes available in the print version (i.e CDs, web access).
- Working jointly with publishers and aggregator platform vendors to develop standards for printing, copy/paste, and saving of ebook content.
- Quality Full-level MARC bibliographic records that meet current national cataloging standards and practice.
- The Interlibrary Loan process or comparable way to lend and borrow ebooks between libraries.
- Perpetual access to purchased and/or subscribed content.
- ADA compliance.
- COUNTER14 compliant usage statistics.
- Licensing terms which do not limit fair use and first sale doctrines under US copyright law. Adopting SERU15 as a standard for ebooks would ensure this.
- Simultaneous format availability of frontlist titles.
- Alerts that new books have been added to existing collections.
- Pricing models that are reasonable, flexible and reflect the broad needs of the library market. Restricting ebook access to subscription-only, bundled databases of “all or nothing” content is in direct conflict with reasonable, flexible pricing models.
- The ability to migrate purchased and/or subscribed content between platforms in the event of the end of life of a platform.
- The ability to coordinate discovery with third party services such as Serials Solutions and SFX.
- The ability to incorporate ebook search, discovery, access and purchase into existing workflows