Nu mere end 11 mio bøger i Hathi Trust
HathiTrust Now Holds More Than 11 Million Volumes in Repository (3.8 Million in Public Domain)
Here are a few highlights from the report:
- HathiTrust announced the appointment of Mike Furlough as the Executive Director of HathiTrust.
- 4 new partners joined HathiTrust in the first half of 2014:
- Montana State University
- Mount Holyoke College
- University of Maine
- University of Texas System
- HathiTrust partners contributed 266,990 volumes to the repository during first half of 2014. 214,251 of these are in the public domain.
- HathiTrust surpassed 11 million volumes in the digital repository (3,848,472 in Public Domain)
- The Program Steering Committee finalized the charges and membership of 4 new groups to carry forward HathiTrust activities (see http://www.hathitrust.org/working_groups). The groups are:
- Collections Committee
- Government Documents Planning and Advisory Group
- Print Monographs Archive Planning Task Force
- Rights and Access Working Group
The PSC also began to review HathiTrust’s use of automated quality metrics provided by Google to reduce the number of poorer quality volumes that are ingested. The PSC will be appointing a task force to assess the issues and make recommendations.
- Configuration of HathiTrust’s Google Analytics to track the usage of HathiTrust Collections in addition to individual items.
The report also includes a, “summary of the determinations from HathiTrust copyright review activities from the first half of 2014.”
A lot more info, links, and charts in the complete 2014 Mid-Year Review.
Michael Cotta-Schønberg