Udvikling i Print-on-Demand / Ny service fra Brill
Forlaget Brill har oprettet en Print-on-Demand service der giver alle brugere med adgang til deres e-bøger muilighed for nem bestilling af et Print-on-Demand eksemplar til en standardpris af 25 dollars.
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Brill Launches Print-on-Demand Service for Ebooks on BrillOnline Books and Journals Platform
Filed by Gary Price on January 21, 2014
From Brill:
Brill’s MyBook program, available on the BrillOnline Books and Journals platform, enables users to purchase a paperback copy of books of their choosing, provided they have access to the e-book version.
Libraries that purchase any Brill E-Book Collection automatically make this option available to students and scholars affiliated with that institution. The program is part of Brill’s broader initiative to make its publications more accessible to the scholarly community.
A Brill MyBook costs €25.00/$25.00 per title. Shipping or handling costs are waived, though VAT will be added where applicable. Ordering is easy: click the MyBook “Buy” button, which appears on the platform for users who have access to the corresponding e-book. Each order is processed quickly in a secure environment. First-time buyers will be asked to register to create a personal account.
“Despite increasing popularity among scholars for e-books, there is still a demand for a personal print copy,” says Herman Pabbruwe, CEO at Brill. “But the niche subject matter of the typical Brill monograph makes it difficult for us to price books for the individual. This program, however, makes this niche content available to a broader audience.”
Currently Brill offers 3,000 titles in the MyBook program, but this number continues to grow as new titles are added on a weekly basis. For technical reasons some titles might not become available in the MyBook program.
Michael Cotta-Schønberg